Monday, January 24, 2011

Chocolate Croissants

1.  Don't they look yummy?!  I made them a few hours ago and they came out soooo good!  I used this recipe from the Cooking Channel courtesey of Nigella Lawson.  I've grown a liking to her show ever since I started watching the new food channel.  I'm also loving the new show Extra Virgin with Debi Mazars and Gabriele Corcos.

2.  Tomorrow is my last exam!  We had a snow day friday so today was supposed to be the last day, but everything was pushed up.  Tomorrow I have my creative writing exam which is going to be a breeze and then my jazz band exam.. wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I hope your exam went okay :) I've got one tomorrow and another Friday :( But on a happier note, these look so yum!

    btw, I'm following :)

