Top: H&M (after 2 hours of looking for the store!)
Jeans: AE
1. So, last saturday, March 5th, the jazz 'A' band at my school took a day trip to Boston to participate in the Berklee Jazz Festival. Even though we placed 7th out of 16 in our division, it was still an awesome time. Especially when we got to go shopping around Newberry Street for three hours... which my friends and I just got lost basically the whole time haha. We were looking for Forever 21 and H&M and everyone that we talked to gave us the wrong directions! So after getting lost for 1 1/2 hrs we finally found H&M which was back in the opposite direction that we passed and a few blocks over -___-. Then, we found a few friends in the Apple store, so we all decided to go back out and look for Forever 21 which was past the convention center where we didn't go and a block over. Then, my friend Kat and I decided to go back to the convention center after she bought some things from Forever 21 and once we got back, the fire alarm was going off and they had to evacuate the whole center! So we just walked around to the side and went into the mall for a little while. It was only a false alarm, some kid pulled the fire alarm *rolls eyes*. Overall, it was a pretty fantastic day!
P.S. The first two pictures were taken from the top floor of the convention center! All photos were taken by me :)