A new video is up on my channel! I decided to start a Bullet Journal and we'll see how it goes for me... more updates on how I like it will be in another video!
It's finally October! Yay! With the new month came chapped lips so I decided to do a lip scrub for the first time in a long time. I figured it wouldn't work (it didn't) and thanks to that idea, I got a few cold sores because I irritated my lip too much haha. If you've ever had a cold sore then you feel my pain. They can be so annoying but as long as you apply Abreva on the cold sore multiple times a day then it'll go away withing 5 days. So I decided to show my everyday makeup routine with an added eyeliner bit and how to conceal a cold sore! I bought these little Abreva Conceal patches two years ago when I had a cold sore and a wedding to attend. They definitely work well as no lip products will penetrate the patch and it's barely noticeable! You can, however, see it a bit up close but it also feels good to keep the air away from the sore for a bit too.