Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Week in Pictures - February 16-22

So I've wanted to do a 'Week in Pictures' using my Instagram but I thought nobody would like it or think it's dumb ....buuutttt Anna Saccone just did a blog post tonight doing just that! I absolutely love her and her family and I watch their videos like its my job haha.

February 16

 Today, I started a thread crochet bikini for the Spring Splash Fashion Show my college is holding to showcase our talent. My teacher isn't too thrilled with me making swimwear but crochet (especially thread crochet) swimwear is becoming quite popular this spring. It's also hard and time consuming so it's not like I'm going around the requirements if you know what I mean.

February 21

 Today I had class until 2 and then a doctors appointment. Then I just went home and did some homework, caught up on YouTube videos I missed and relaxed with my cat who loves distracting me haha.

February 22

Yesterday was B E A U T I F U L out. I'm so sick of the snow storms we have been getting and I heard we will get more this week (ugh). So my friend and I went to a local chowder house on the water to celebrate and I don't know why but when I go with her I only get a hotdog and fries. But when I am with my mom or anyone else I ALWAYS get white clam chowder, clam cakes and dough boys. Deeeelish, yes. It's just amazing.
